On 2022-09-17 11:55, Karen Lewellen wrote: > Given in my first post I *stated was using a screen reader* the sight > factor was stated. > Not that searching for shellworld contributed to my question being > answered, or its solution. > For the record, another company owns shellworld now. Screen reader or not, what don't you understand by STOP TOP POSTING ? -- Polyna-Maude R.-Summerside -Be smart, Be wise, Support opensource development
- Re: question for seasoned links users? Dan Ritter
- Re: question for seasoned links users? David
- Re: question for seasoned links users? Karen Lewellen
- Re: question for seasoned links users? David
- Re: question for seasoned links users? Brad Rogers
- Re: question for seasoned links users? David
- Re: question for seasoned links users? Karen Lewellen
- Re: question for seasoned links use... Brad Rogers
- shellworld.net (for visually impaired users)... rhkramer
- Re: shellworld.net (for visually impaire... Karen Lewellen
- Re: shellworld.net (for visually im... Maude Summerside
- Re: shellworld.net (for visuall... Lee
- Re: shellworld.net (for visuall... tomas
- Re: shellworld.net (for visuall... dmacdoug
- Re: shellworld.net (for visuall... Greg Wooledge
- Re: shellworld.net (for visuall... Karen Lewellen
- Re: question for seasoned links users? David
- Re: question for seasoned links users? Karen Lewellen
- Re: question for seasoned links users? Jude DaShiell
- Re: question for seasoned links users? Karen Lewellen
- Re: question for seasoned links users? Greg Wooledge