I just noticed that the netperf package is in the [non-free] repository https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/netperf which seems wrong.
Is the MIT license really not compatible with open source or is the netperf package using outdated licensing info or .. what? The debian package copyright file link points to https://metadata.ftp-master.debian.org/changelogs//non-free/n/netperf/netperf_2.7.0-0.1_copyright which has Upstream Authors: Copyright 1993-2007 Hewlett-Packard Company but the homepage link points to https://github.com/HewlettPackard/netperf which has a COPYING file pointing to https://github.com/HewlettPackard/netperf/blob/master/COPYING which has HewlettPackard/netperf is licensed under the MIT License # Copyright 2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP Thanks Lee