Hi, refining my proposal i tested this function to list about 7600 blueish colors:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/bash # Minimum brightness for blue to be perceivable blue_base=64 # Minimum advantage of blue over (red + green)/2 blue_advantage=64 # Iterate in steps of 8 to reduce the number of solutions (from ~1e6 to ~1e4) # Also avoid the highest quarter of values of red and green for r in {0..192..8} do rhex="$(printf '%2.2x' "$r")" for g in {0..192..8} do ghex="$(printf '%2.2x' "$g")" bstart="$(expr "(" "$r" + "$g" ")" / 2 + "$blue_advantage")" if test "$bstart" -lt "$blue_base" then bstart="$blue_base" fi if test "$bstart" -le 255 then for b in $(eval echo $(echo '{'"$bstart"..255..8'}')) do bhex="$(printf '%2.2x' "$b")" echo "#${rhex}${ghex}${bhex}" done fi done done --------------------------------------------------------------------------- All random samples from this list yielded blueish background with xterm -bg "$value" & I hope there are not local spots of non-blue appearance. (Greg Wooledge might have a better proposal for the eval-echo-echo gesture to bring a variable value into the bash {x...y..step} enumeration.) It turned out that in my eyes high values of red can unblue ignificantly higher values of blue to some pinkish magenta. Very low values of blue are perceived as black, unless real black is there ifor comparison (then it's midnight blue). Have a nice day :) Thomas