On Jul 13, 2022, rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
> I seem to have gone down a rabbit hole.
> I want(ed?) to set up ssh on my LAN using certificate authentication, and am 
> having a lot of trouble finding the information I need / would like to have.

Which is what, exactly?  Other than the "active mailing list" you
mentioned in a snipped segment.

SSH with cert-auth is pretty trivial to implement on most distros:

1. install openssh-server (if not already installed) on SERVER (the
machine you will connect to)
2. on the CLIENT (machine you will connect from), run ssh-keygen to
generate a new ssh keypair.  For example --  ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f
keyfile -- will generate a new ED25519-based keypair ("keyfile" and
3. copy the content of keyfile.pub to $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on the
SERVER machine
4. try logging into SERVER with your key (e.g. ssh -i keyfile

For "best security" repeat steps 2-4 on all CLIENT machines to create
individual client keys -- just make sure to APPEND to authorized_keys.

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