I've reinserted the opening line of the post I replied to.

On Sun 26 Jun 2022 at 17:14:23 (+0200), to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 26, 2022 at 09:28:21AM -0500, David Wright wrote:
> > On Sun 26 Jun 2022 at 09:07:11 (+0200), Hans wrote:
> > > 
> > > In your case I would suggest to build your own lifefile system with live-
> > > build.
> > > 
> > > [...]
> > > 
> > > I am doing all this, when building kali-linux live-system, which building 
> > > is 
> > > almost the same as a debian-live system.
> > > 
> > > Give it a try, maybe it helps.
> > 
> > Sorry, but I can't see the attraction of a live system, as opposed to
> > just building the Debian system on a stick. Care to explain?
> If I understand correctly, a live system
>  - is thought to cope with a broader range of hardware (meaning: it
>    doesn't know exactly which hardware it's going to wake up on next)

That was my point—we know what the target system is
here: /the/ old Dell laptop, to be used by a
non-programming/configuring/commandline-user person.

>  - is not supposed to touch the host system persistent storage (aka
>    disks)

That's something we apparently don't have to worry about, as it has no
hard drive, so it can only touch what is deliberately inserted into it
at the time.

>  - is not supposed to scribble on its own medium (unless you've set
>    aside a partition for that)

Presumably, the OP will occasionally upgrade the OS-on-the-stick;
perhaps when they notice a point-release on their own machine.

> Perhaps it just has a tmpfs overlaid on its file system, so any change
> is only ephemeral.
> so it is a slightly different usage profile than tailor-fitting a USB
> stick for a given target system.
> Both have their uses.

Agreed, in different circumstances.

On Sun 26 Jun 2022 at 11:47:46 (-0400), Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > Sorry, but I can't see the attraction of a live system, as opposed to
> > just building the Debian system on a stick. Care to explain?
> Speaking as someone who's used such a "Debian system on a stick" as
> a kind of replacement for a Debian live (mostly as a rescue
> environment, really): I suspect the attraction is that Debian Live has
> already been tuned for that use case (I had to make various minor
> changes to fix annoyances when "moving" the stick between systems), and

As above, the stick is for running on just the one, old Dell, laptop.

> more importantly that it shouldn't get corrupted just because you
> unplugged the stick at an "unfavorable" time.
> I've had to "redo" my stick a few times and I strongly suspect it was
> because USB sticks aren't very reliable when it gets to unplugging them
> while in the middle of a write (and a normal Debian install can write
> to your stick without your explicit prompting, of course).

With careful partitioning, the damage can be limited, by making /usr
and /etc readonly, with /var separate, /tmp and any swap in memory, etc.

> Note: this was my experience almost 10 years ago.  Not sure it's
> still relevant.  And technically, I still think a normal Debian install
> tweaked to be more like Debian Live should be superior.


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