On Sat 18 Jun 2022 at 10:48:01 +0200, Hans wrote:

> Hi again,
> > As helped me recently:
> > 
> > "# lpinfo -v
> showed me the uri from the printer.

You were expected to execute 'lpinfo -v' and give us the output. We
also expect the result of 'driverless'.

> > to get a list of URLs (the one starting with ipp:// is the one
> > necessary), and then something like
> > 
> > # lpadmin -p Brother2740 -v IPP_URL_FROM_ABOVE -E -m everywhere"
> > 
> > https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2022/06/msg00212.html
> I did this, but in the uri was a "(" and a ")" sign, which was interpreted. I 
> marked it as a sign by using a backslash in front of it. 

Put the URI in double quotes.

> However, it still does not work.  Can it be a rights problem? The user is in 
> group "lp" and "lpadmin", I believe, thesse are the only related ones.

It is not a rights problem. No user needs to be in group lp. It is a
security risk. Take them out of it.
> Any other ideas?

The present ideas are good enough :).


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