Thanks very much, David, for your help.

Unfortunately it is not possible to log in to the PC from elsewhere.

As to most of your other points, they will have to wait for another similar

I was not able to check logs because, subsequent to the freezing, the PC
had to be rebooted due to a mains power cut and the journald system does
not persist across boots.

On 19:36, Wed, 15 Jun 2022 David Wright < wrote:

> On Wed 15 Jun 2022 at 09:21:58 (+0100), Mick Ab wrote:
> > I have a fairly new desktop PC running Debian 11. Recently there have
> been
> > a few occasions when the PC has failed to
> > be woken up in the morning after being left overnight. The mouse and
> > keyboard are frozen. Sometimes the monitor appears to be off and on
> > one occasion it was on.
> Like others, I would try logging in over the network to see if
> that is still up.
> Apart from that, I would take a careful look at the BIOS settings
> under Power Management.
> Assuming your mouse and keyboard are USB or unwired, perhaps
> the USB ports are powering down too? If you plug in a USB stick,
> does it light up as normal?
> If there's an ethernet card, is the light still on? Does it
> react to (un)plugging?
> Disks spinning?
> How long did the logs keep updating during the night?
> IOW just how dead is the machine?
> > A hard reboot has been used to reset the PC, but it is not a good idea to
> > keep doing that.
> Modern filesystems/journals etc are pretty forgiving.
> Modern hardware should be unharmed by the experience.
> (Unlike back in the days of parking disk heads.)
> Cheers,
> David.

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