On Sun 12 Jun 2022 at 12:53:31 (-0400), gene heskett wrote:
> On 6/12/22 12:34, David Wright wrote:
> > On Sat 11 Jun 2022 at 19:41:34 (-0400), gene heskett wrote:
> > > Thanks all, I think I'm making progress. But apparently I'm a new bee at
> > > raid stuff. Hmmm, I just noted that htop is showing zero swap. Checking
> > > fstab against blkid, shows swap with a totally different  blkid.
> > > I'll see if I can do a copy paste to fix that. Yup, a root swapon -av and
> > > now I have swap. And /opt was missing too, its on the raid but empty so
> > > that was added by copy/paste. A simple mount /opt fixes that.
> > > 
> > > Now, are these bklid's stable enough I can mount the bigger drive and
> > > just copy this fstab over the existing one?
> > AFAIK, blkid is a command that lists attributes or messes up your
> > system. Hence this, in bold, from its man page:
> > 
> >   It is recommended to use lsblk(8) command to get information about
> >   block devices, or  lsblk --fs  to get an overview of filesystems, or
> >   findmnt(8) to search in already mounted filesystems.
> > 
> > So it's the attributes that should concern you, like LABELs and UUIDs.
> > 
> > In your narrative above, you'll probably lose swap each time you
> > reinstall, because you've set a swap in the partitioner. I always
> > avoid that. Any 21st century PC should be able to install with
> > needing to swap.
> That is a useful clue, I'll leave it out of the next install since
> I've 32G of dram in this box. Swap is generally used only if I get
> stupid with OpenSCAD.
> But as IUI, swap is cleaned out reboot, so theoretically I should be
> able to the the same 60Gig /dev/md1 for both boots by adding it to
> fstab, and issuing a swapon.

The cleaning out is not the point: you need to ID it, but can't use
the /dev/sdX to do that.

> And since both are bullseye, /home s/b
> interchangeable too. But since I now have a working install with
> effectively no tools except mc, I am blocked at every turn I try to
> use to get around that blockade. If someone could tell me which x
> desktop I could install, that doesn't crash and burn from un-fixable
> dependencies trying to install tde-trinity, I'd be well on they way to
> getting back to productive use of this machine.

That's for others. I don't know where your tools are. In some cases,
it's probably because you're using the wrong tool, as I just pointed
out for blkid: you should be using lsblk. And you shouldn't need a
desktop to install, configure and maintain your system.


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