Hello, I have a strange printing problem which can be replicated on two identical printers on two different networks, when printing to wireless driverless IPP with Brother MFC-L2740DW printers from Bullseye, whether the printer is auto-detected or manually added via ocalhost:631 or system-config-printer.
The printers light up and look like business, print queue monitors report jobs completed, but nothing actually prints. There are some errors in /var/log/cups/error_log but I won't go into that at the moment because I'm trying to downgrade cups and this is another problem. I think this problem has occurred since a cups update on 2022-05-27, so having purged it completely and removed /etc/cups and reinstalled it (along with much else due to dependency issues of libcups2) I am now trying to downgrade cups to see if that makes a difference. I have followed the instructions at: https://vincent.bernat.ch/en/blog/2020-downgrade-debian $ sudo cat /etc/apt/sources*d/snapshot.list deb [check-valid-until=no] https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/202220526T155509Z/ bullseye main contrib non-free $ $ sudo cat /etc/apt/pref*d/snapshot.pref Package: *cups* Pin: origin snapshot.debian.org Pin-Priority: 1001 $ but... $ sudo apt update <snip> Err:7 https://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/202220526T155509Z bullseye Release 404 Not Found [IP: 443] <snip> AFAICS from examples/instructions at snapshot.debian.org my snapshot.list file is correct - it looks to me like something has moved/is offline at the server end. Pinging snapshot.debian.org doesn't seem to be helpful as the IP which is not found changes depending on the archive requested - but snapshot.debian.org itself replies to pings. Is anyone involved with snapshot.debian.org? ...or aware of issues at the moment? Thanks, Gareth