On Thu, 2 Jun 2022, pa...@quillandmouse.com wrote:
On Thu, 2 Jun 2022 13:59:45 -0400
rhkra...@gmail.com wrote:
My gmail (normally delivered by pop3 to my old version of kmail (on
Wheezy) stopped working around 8:30 am this morning.
I set up an application specific password this morning, and that old
version of kmail (version 1.13.7 for kde 4.8.4 on Debian Wheezy)
works again using pop3
I had a little trouble setting it up until I got to the right place
in google -- I first tried to change the settings on the gmail
webclient page but couldn't find the correct options. Then logged in
on google.com and did find the correct option (Security), and then,
in general terms, turned on 2 step verification and eventually found
the option to set up an application specific password.
I then entered that in place of the old passwords in kmail. (I don't
think it stated it -- I wasn't sure whether to enter the spaces as
part of the password or not -- I did, and that worked.)
I had this same problem starting about the same time. I was in the
middle of another project and didn't have time to deal with it.
Claw-Mail was issuing error alerts every 10 minutes as it would try to
fetch gmail.
However, as of about 30 minutes ago, it is now working again, and I did
nothing to it.
that's my experience too - right now email via Alpine seems to be
working again.
however I do intend to follow rhkramer's path and do the 2fa
and the "app-specific password" two-step.
guess Google's still trying to figure out which 3rd-party clients they
Verbum sat sapienti.