On Tuesday, 31 May 2022 16:25:01 EDT Andrew M.A. Cater wrote: > On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 03:25:59AM -0400, gene heskett wrote: > > See subject, mouse, keyboard, usb printers working, but /dev/ttyUSB* > > is not, > > > > "sudo lsusb -v|grep -C3 Couldn -" reports most devices can't be > > opened.> > > Example: > > gene@coyote:/etc/nut$ sudo lsusb -v|grep -c3 Couldn - > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get device qualifier: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get device qualifier: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get device qualifier: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get device qualifier: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get device qualifier: Resource temporarily unavailable > > can't get debug descriptor: Resource temporarily unavailable > > > > I am uptodate a/o yesterday with debian 11. And nothing was offered > > just now. > > > > Whats changed in the last 10 days? > > > > And where do I start, nut and heyu are both spamming the log. And > > something is beeping at me at 5 minute intervals. > > Hi Gene, > > We've had something similar to this previously when you were talking > about USB->TTY converters for driving your CNC machinery and you were > complaining about accessibility software for blind users being > installed. > > Pull the leads. Reboot. Insert the leads - check to see whether the > leads ar recognised. Reboot again. Divide and conquer until you find > the problematic lead or component. Treat it like troubleshooting a > troublesome TV transmitter or broadcast system niggle. > > The simpler you can make your system while troubleshooting, the easier > you (and the rest of us) may find the whack-a-mole process of trying > to nail down what the actual issue is. > > The more you can tell us what _EXACTLY_ you are doing, what you see, > what errors come up and what you have done to try and fix them, the > easier we'll all find it to come up with suggestions or actual answers > for you. > > There are a bunch of the usual suspects who will attempt to help: we > can't jump on a plane or a bus to see what your screen says and help > you debug. The more you can give us to go on, the easier it will be > all round. > > All the very best to you, as ever, > There are no man pages for nut for starters. So you wind up browseing in /usr/share/doc/nut with a browser. But while those docs point at troubleshooting aids, the link to the aid is a 404 for konqueror. Thats really really helpful, NOT!
I went thru dmesg looking to see where it may have been detected, cvame up blank. unplugged the ups for ten secs and plugged it back in and it was then detected as /dem/hidraw4 or hiddev4. Put that in ups.conf, no permissions. perms are root:dialout. Add nut to dialout in /etc/group. I can't get heyu to stay up long enough to see who its running as but again its no permissions at its normal /dev/ttyUSB0. The ups used to be /dev/ttyUSB1. The lsusb -v output is full of no permissions errors that do not go away if I sudo it. The newest files in /lib/udev/rules.d is in february, and I've rebooted many times since then bcuz uptimes are in the 5 to maybe 11 days range. Please give me back the stability even buster had, better yet wheezy, there it was not uncommon to get uptimes from power failure to power failure. And I do better than that on an rpi4b running buster, thats uptime until I screw something up as it has a small, ultracheap cyberpower 650 usp on it and the only time it gets rebooted is when I switch to a bullseye card to see if I can build linuxcnc from a git clone that a cron script keeps up to date with linuxcnc master of the rpi4. But linuxcnc has not yet learned how to use the newer python 3.10 in bullseye. So that fails. So I finally sent another rpi4 user building a bigger mill, converting a 1980 vintage cinci mill, a pair of cards with my 4.19.71-preempt-rt kernel in place of the raspi kernel. bullseye runs just peachy on that kernel and the tarball I made to install it on the pi is 28 megabytes, uncompressed. debian can start by giving us back the troubleshooting tools mentioned in /usr/share/doc/nut-doc/user-manual/index.html that are missing from the packaging system. heyu similarly doesn't install any man pages. So I'm stuck wading thru /etc/heyu/x10.conf looking for clues, and tbt there are few. The default device has been set to TTY = /dev/ttyUSB0 for decades. I now know where the seriel convertors are so I can unplug them so I could reinstall for about the 25th time if someone could tell me how to skip formatting my raid10 /home partition, othewise I am stuck building a working system to do my daily stuff from nothing. The installer blindly goes ahead and formats it every time, losing 6 months of work in OpenSCAD and thats pure bs IMNSHO. I'm halfway thru building another raid10 I can hide from the installer, needing two more terabyte samsung ssd's and a slot for aother controller which I can free up by temporarily pulling my firewire card that runs my movie camera with kino. My backups died with the loss of those 2 2T seacrates in 2 weeks time last fall. Both less than 6 months old, yet I caught hell for bad mouthing the shingled technology. Quietly introduced by seagate without warning the consumer it was at best alpha technology. Or maybe it was the helium that leaked out, and they fly the heads too high on air. All I know is that there was no warning, they just disappeared from the end of the sata cable in the middle of the night. Somebody's miss-guided idea of security is now putting me between a rock and a hard place. I get denegrated because of my network setup, but haven't been hacked in 25 years so I see me as doing it right. So I'm that example of an unreasonable man that Goerge Bernard Shaw wrote about decades ago. So lets fix THIS install. Quit treating me like a windowz user (something I've only done for a week after buying a new machine, but I gave up since its impossible to buy a windowless machine, so I've built my own from scratch since nearly 20 years back) and give us back the tools to troubleshoot this with. Right now they seem to be on the missing list. As a furinstance, I used to be able to cat a /dev/ttyUSB*, which made self indentifying which was which easy, cuz if you unplug a cm11a, it will send a message back to the port its connected to asking for a clock set from the server, in this case heyu which will then set the clock in the cm11a from local non-dst time. Its hex data but recognizable by someone who has written code to do that as I am one of the two authors who wrote ezhome for the amiga 30 years ago. We also wrote ezcron, the only cron ever written for tha amiga that didn't busy wait, it calculated how many ticks to the top of the next minute, and put itself to sleep for that long, freeing up the amiga to do its gfx with which ever program we were using at the time. Ditto for the data that pours out of the port connected to a ups. Usually at 15 second intervals. Now suddenly, even a root session of cat has no permissions, killing a once valuable troubleshooting tool. Has a better tool been written? If it has been, please tell us about it! Or quit resticting useful tools in the name of security as it sure doesn't pass the smell test in this camp. :(> So where now do I find the tools to troubleshoot this with? Thanks Andy, take care and stay well. > Andy Cater Cheers, Gene Heskett. -- "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940) If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable. - Louis D. Brandeis