My dear Illustrious List Maintainers, Programmers and Senior members, particularly, Ilya Kazakevich <k***>, Joe <j***@jr***> and Edwin Zimmerman <ed***@pl**>,
I am overwhelmed by the supremely patient explanations by Mr. Ilya Kazakevich. The time he has spent in reasoning and writing emails compels me to bow in deep respect. I was certain that I didn't have the mettle to be a computer programmer. To me a programmer's hyperfocus for an extended period of time, ignoring the rest of the information and irrationalities as noise, internal auto-processing neural networks even with a limited and fragile mind are beyond my abilities. Thank you, programmers. It is because of you that the world is gradually becoming a better place to live in. I completely agree with what Mr. Joe says: "... The idea of learning the functions and interfaces of every library ever written for C is not a trivial one, and when you finish you'll find another few thousand were written while you were doing it ..." I am not saying that "... there should be a definitive set of libraries, and nobody should ever be permitted to extend this set ...". I agree with Mr. Joe that this is impossible. What I expect instead is One flexible, evolve-able programming language that addresses all requirements. Presently, every computing niche has its own programming environment and language. Because of my natural tendency towards holism, I tend to expect a programming environment that would address computing needs from the lowest level of programming microprocessors, microcontrollers, et al, to the highest humanly imaginable levels of complexities. I also agree that I find myself lost amidst the bewildering diversity of programming languages, where computation is necessary, when I am concerned that the scenario would compel me to be a seamless cog of the huge system working in harmony with the rest of the ecosystem and getting "lost". What puts me off is that this ecosystem is subject to "default automated reactive mammalian-limbic self-preservation mechanisms". We aren't exactly rational. Our rationality is just a thin veneer of the neocortex. A little child, with a bundle of flexible Neural Networks, but not so "aware/conscious" like us, is capable of working like Neural Networks do at a subconscious level. As we grow up and we become "aware" of our own selves, as our bicameral mind breaks down, we lose the ability to "lose ourselves" in the task that we have at hand. At least, I try to look at the Big Picture always, which puts me off very easily, in the matters of programming. Ideally, I would have liked to enter into an Education system, learn about finer aspects and nitty gritty, find a niche or get off it. But this is difficult. Hopefully, gifted ones like you shall herald the advent of AI systems. Then we shall have a societal system encouraging a positive use of Leisure. I hope that within my lifetime we shall have, because of your continual collaborative perseverance, the good fortune to witness a beyond-human level AI. I noted that currently, research in AI like Deepmind's Alpha Code AI, writing customised codes as per requirements, AlphaFold AI, StyleGAN, OpenAI, NVidia's EditGAN and so on, are gradually taking on an exponential growth curve. In the meanwhile I shall continue to make tiny inroads into Python, rather than c++, a big thanks to Mr. Kazakevich, and keep myself prepared until the Big Change arrives. Best wishes. Rajib Etc. To: Debian Users <> Subject: Re: How should learning to program in c++ be approached, if learning objectives are sought to be customised? From: IL Ka <ka***> Date: Mon, 30 May 2022 23:12:06 +0300 Message-id: <[🔎] CAHv=rM0VhDB2iRRaM9_umDyDVoddFqLEL2h3UQen=> In-reply-to: <[🔎] CAEG4cZVupq=> References: <[🔎]> <> <[🔎]> <[🔎]> [ ... snipped ... ]