I can recommend MiniDLNA. It streams without problems from my Raspberry
Pi. I do not have a Roku device, but it have tested it with 3 other
devices successfully.

On 2022-05-14 19:29 UTC+0200, Lee wrote:
> I'd like to watch my own video files on a Roku; apparently what I need
> is DLNA software on my server..
> I found this note:  https://support.roku.com/article/208754908
>   Roku Media Player has been tested to work with the following DLNA servers:
>       MiniDLNA/ReadyDLNA/ReadyMedia
>   -- and a few others that I'm not about to bother trying
> I haven't read anything really good about
> MiniDLNA/ReadyDLNA/ReadyMedia, so before I spend who knows how much
> time tring to get it working, is there some other DLNA server software
> that I should be looking at?
> Thanks
> Lee


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