On Mon, 9 May 2022 07:09:57 -0400 Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> wrote:
(...) > xdotool getmouselocation does it once. > > You may wish to run it via watch in a tiny xterm and make that > xterm always-on-top. just for fun I wrote a little Python/Tk script that does what I believe the OP wants (requires python3-tk): ############################################################# #!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''Shows a tooltip-like window that displays the x- and y-positions of the mouse pointer on the screen. Left-click into this window to quit the program.''' # coordinates of upper left window corner, edit to fit your needs: WINDOW_X = 0 WINDOW_Y = 0 from tkinter import * from signal import signal root = Tk() root.withdraw() l = Label(root, text='Mouse position:\nX: 9999 Y:9999', width=18, relief='solid', bd=2) l.pack() l.is_running = 0 root.wm_overrideredirect(1) root.wm_geometry('+%d+%d' %(WINDOW_X, WINDOW_Y)) def show_mouse_pos(): x, y = l.winfo_pointerxy() l.configure(text='Mouse position:\nX: %d Y: %d' % (x, y)) if l.is_running: l.after(100, show_mouse_pos) def start(): l.is_running = 1 l.after(100, show_mouse_pos) def quit(*args): l.is_running = 0 l.after(200, root.quit) root.bind('<1>', quit) for sig in (2, 3, 6, 15): signal(sig, quit) root.update_idletasks() start() root.deiconify() root.mainloop() root.destroy() ##################################################### Have a nice day, Michael .-.. .. ...- . .-.. --- -. --. .- -. -.. .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-. Killing is wrong. -- Losira, "That Which Survives", stardate unknown