On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 01:31:02PM +0000, Schwibinger Michael wrote:
> Good afternoon.
> Thank You
> We dont use WIFI.
> Desktops
> We do
> connect with cable to the WWW.
> Also mouse and keyboard is with cable.

OK: in many ways that makes it easier. I would still suggest the firmware
disk - if only because that also may include manufacturer's security fixes
for the code that runs deep within the main processor in your machine, for

As Greg says, you can find exactly which firmware you need by runnng the 
command he gave.

If you are happy to rebuild the computer you have with new software -
wiping out the previous attempts to upgrade Debian in place - then:

* Prepare a USB stick / CD with the .iso file.

* Go into the menu which supports boot from different media
[This is sometimes accessed by holding down F1 or F2 or F12 or the Delete key]

* Boot from the install medium and follow the prompts. If you have another
computer available, I would suggest that you also have the release notes
for Bullseye open at the same time -

I would suggest the graphical mode install, perhaps.

You said in one of the earliest messages that you have previously been
using Debian LXDE desktop. The first choice for Debian desktop is GNOME
which may use more memory / more resources.

If you wish to use LXDE as your install, when it gets to the screen for
selecting software - deselect GNOME and select LXDE instead. The selections
can be changed by selecting them then hitting the spacebar, I think

Hope this helps.

> Regards
> Sophie
All the best, as ever,
 Andy Cater

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