On Sun, Apr 17, 2022 at 03:44:33PM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> I don't think this is something he broke himself; from the little I've
> found, this appears to be something that's recommended or even required
> for WSLg (the Windows Subsystem for Linux GUI) to work.


> > (You've also forgotten the sticky bit on your mounted directory.)
> While that's certainly not ideal, I can't see how it could cause the
> exhibited behavior in this case; from what I can find reading up on the
> sticky bit to refresh my memory, having it unset should just result in
> being able to do *more* things with/inside the directory than would be
> the case if it were set.

Well, some applications may check the permissions on the directory,
see that they are set wrong, and refuse to operate.  I have no idea
whether their VNC server is one of them, but there's certainly

But as soon as I saw they had made a symlink from a standard location
to a nonstandard location, I *immediately* thought of AppArmor, because
that has been an issue so many times in the past with so many apps.

I don't know precisely why the EAGAIN errno is happening, but it isn't
EACCES so it's not a direct refusal by file system permissions, and it's
not EPERM so it's not a direct refusal for not being superuser.  It's also
not ENOSPC (disk full), so I don't think it's due to a full file system,
but it doesn't take much effort to check that, so I would check anyway.

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