On Sun, 03 Apr 2022 03:20:01 +0200, Felix Miata
<mrma...@earthlink.net> wrote:

>Noah Sombrero composed on 2022-04-02 20:35 (UTC-0400):
>> That is the desktop version.  Mine is built into my toshiba laptop.
>> Go5200 is the laptop version.  Nvidia seems to use Go a lot to
>> distinguish the difference between desk and lap and, they do take
>> different drivers.
>NVidia may do that with its proprietary drivers. Debian does no such thing with
>the FOSS drivers I use. The FOSS drivers that I use come from upstream and are
>packaged by and for Debian users. They are intended for all NVidia models 
>those too new for support to be included and those too old to continue to be
>supported. Obviously the nouveau drivers in Bullseye are not too new for an 

Ok, I will check that readout.  What do I do if something is missing?
Noting that linux video is supposed to be automatic, not requiring me
to do anything, but what if the auto system didn't get it right?
Noah Sombrero

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