On Fri 01 Apr 2022 at 06:56:31 (-0400), Haines Brown wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 31, 2022 at 10:00:32AM -0400, The Wanderer wrote:
> > On 2022-03-31 at 09:38, Haines Brown wrote:
> > 
> > > Early in an installation I wanted to find the machine's local IP 
> > > address in order to configure the network manually terminal (Alt-F2).
> > > Finding that commands to get the local addresss were not available,
> > 
> > What commands did you try? I'd be a little surprised if nothing that
> > could do this was present in the installation environment, but it might
> > not be what you were expecting to use.
> I forget which command I tried. Perhaps $ hostname -i

The command you want is ip, as in

# ip a

which will give you any addresses configured so far. The ip command
is available (in Atl-F2/3) from the first installer screen.

The machine doesn't normally have any IP network address until you
either get it or set it in "Configure the network". Before that,
it will give you the "predictable" interface names and MAC address.

> > > I went to exit bash. Although bash recognize the exit command, it did
> > > not work.
> > 
> > "Did not work" is not usually a helpful description. What *did* happen?
> nothing

Typically¹ there's no need to exit the shells on Alt-F2/3. You
just move away from them with Alt-F1/4 or Alt-Left/Right.

But I don't understand exit not working. I think you might have
overlooked the message it writes, whose wording is identical to
the greeting when you first switch to it.

> > > How do I get back to the installation routine?
> > 
> > If you used Alt+F2 to get to the current console, you might need to
> > switch back to whichever console you were originally on. The default
> > expectation would be that you were probably on the first console, so you
> > should be able to get back there using Alt+F1.
> Thanks.
> This is an older machine, and so automatic configuration did not work
> with the hardware. ñI've never been able to insert the needed driver
> from a USB key. So turned to manual configuration, but it  required 
> that I know the machine's local IP.
> I finally opened a bash terminal and configured 
> /etc/network/interfaces file manually.

FTR the shell is ash, and many of the commands available are cut-down
versions from busybox, rather than their fully-featured cousins.

¹ the only "use" I've found is to clear the recall history.


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