On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 12:09:37PM -0600, Rob Benton wrote:
> I guess I've never payed much attention to this until today but you have
> to be root to mount with the -o loop option.  At least on my machine I
> do.  Mount has the suid bit set.  Is there some way I can allow non-root
> users to mount loop devices?

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/zero bs=1M count=10
# mke2fs /mnt/zero
# cat >> /etc/fstab <<EOT
/mnt/zero       /mnt/zeromnt    ext2    user,loop               0       0

but that's probably not what you meant?

Jan Minar                                 Don't CC me, I'm subscribed.

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