On Fri 25 Mar 2022 at 12:03:08 (-0400), Henning Follmann wrote: > On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 09:09:17PM -0500, David Wright wrote: > > On Fri 25 Mar 2022 at 07:59:15 (+0800), Jeremy Ardley wrote: > > > On 25/3/22 7:26 am, Greg Wooledge wrote: > > > > On Fri, Mar 25, 2022 at 06:51:55AM +0800, Jeremy Ardley wrote: > > > > > Anyway, bind9 works pretty well as a local caching nameserver > > > > I'm sticking with resolvconf for the time being. > > > You are aware that resolvconf is a tool to manage your > resolver configuration? It is not a resolver.
Yes, that's all I want—it's not a lot to ask. It just mediates between processes that wish to write into /etc/resolv.conf, keeping track of who put what in there. On the whole, it works well. (There's no DNS resolver on the premises—unless you count /etc/hosts.) One wrinkle with iwd&resolvconf was that iwd's own configuration withheld permission for it to communicate the obtained DNS server information to resolvconf. (I posted the^H^H^H a workaround in the thread on wrinkles.) Because iwd is designed to work with systemd-resolved, (and I know you're keen on us using defaults), I thought I ought to at least try it out but, as reported here, it was not a success. I assume the address that it puts in /etc/resolv.conf directs queries to itself, but I can't understand what it does with them from then on. There may be parameters in /etc/nsswitch.conf or /etc/default/nss that I could tune for my usage, but in the absence of a Debian wiki,¹ I'll just accept that it's a sledgehammer for the task in hand, which is very simple: make the address of the DHCP server's choice of DNS server available to all in good old /etc/resolv.conf. Perhaps it's significant that this usage of systemd-resolved is relegated in man systemd-resolved to an "Additionally" paragraph, half of which is spent recommending strongly against this method of resolution. ¹ As is often the case, there are some very good Arch wikis for background. But systemd is fast-moving, so it's not always possible to use their examples as is. (And buster is w-a-y behind.) One of the more interesting Arch wiki references I came across while reading background was: https://moss.sh/name-resolution-issue-systemd-resolved I don't think my problem was /directly/ related (eg my /etc/resolv.conf only had, as recommended (though I was sorely tempted to add some)) but I took their alternative conclusion to heart: "get rid of systemd-resolved – and stick with it." Cheers, David.