On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 08:48:21PM -0400, gene heskett wrote: > On Thursday, 24 March 2022 20:02:57 EDT Felix Miata wrote: > > Short form/highlights: > > 1-create config for NIC in /etc/systemd/network/ > > 2-systemctl disable networking.service > > 3-systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service > > optional: provide static /etc/resolv.conf > > e.g. systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service > > Your short synopsis seems to explain it well enough, but what is a person > stuck without a network to look this stuff up and has never dealt with > systemctl in his or her life, and therefore knows zip about it, supposed > to do?
Print out Felix's instructions on paper. Test them. If they work, laminate them or something. It turns out that not only are you not using Debian, but you're not even using Raspbian either. You're using some sort of specialized Raspbian-based operating system that nobody else on this list knows anything about. It has its own quirks and customizations. If you're butting heads with those quirks, then you either need to work them out on your own, or get in touch with the people who actually support that OS.