On 3/19/22, Greg Wooledge <g...@wooledge.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 10:55:03AM +0100, Toni Mas Soler wrote:
>> I restart Dbus from time to time. Actually, I stop Dbus if i don't
>> need, that is when I do not use X (almost allways).
>> Do you mean my action is not effective?
> The fact that you're "almost always" not using X is probably relevant
> here.
> See
> <https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxquestions/comments/8hy3tu/how_to_restart_the_dbusdaemon_without_a_reboot/>
> for some discussion.  Or just google "cannot restart dbus" as I did
> to find many more such discussions.
> My own knowledge of the topic came mainly from reading the output
> of apt-get as it was upgrading dbus, and telling me that I would have
> to reboot, because it can't restart dbus by itself.
> I don't know why other people aren't reading that output.

I've wondered that same thing as I watch messages scroll by (when I
happen to have not looked away from the terminal). Some upgrades have
all kinds of advisories tucked into that scrolling that rips by.

Unattended upgrades always come to mind as a place for where those
messages would go unseen. It has also come to mind that users have
admin emails sent to them as a potential remedy. It's on my to-do to
play around with those emails to see if that catches those upgrade

PS I've seen those dbus ones rip by. Seems like I played with
restarting something related in just the last couple weeks. I don't
remember the experience feeling very successful. :D

Cindy :)
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

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