On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 03:40:51PM +0100, Tomas Kral wrote:
> I am set as follows..
> * kernel 2.2.20-custom (i686), CONFIG_PSMOUSE=y
> * gnome 1.4.x.x
> * xfree 4.2.x.x-custom configured with /dev/mouse -> /dev/gpmdata
> * gdm

Sometimes X is quite a beast, but I wouldn't expect it to meddle with
your serial port.  System daemons are what I meant.

> * gpm 1.19.6-12 configured with repeat_type=raw, device=/dev/psaux and 
> type=imps2


> serial.o gets loaded during kernel boot for the setserial to do its 
> initial port setting, at least dmesg reports that,
> ...
> Serial driver version 4.27 with no serial options enabled
> ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
> ttyS01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

Actualy, that's an /etc/init.d/setserial thing, AFAICT.

> /etc/inetd.conf does not have any tty relevant entries in my 
> installation.

I just wondered if anything like this would be possible ;-)

> I am still not any wiser, why it kept loading afterfwards when none of 
> the /dev/ttyS's were used. However, I reconnected my modem from ttyS0 
> to ttyS1, I removed some duplicate entries in /etc/modutils/aliases and 
> run update-modules, rebooted and it looks fine.

I completely missed your problem then: didn't you write you just were
wondering why it keeps loading, and that there is no _real_ problem,
... and that you have no modem connected?

> Thanks anyway.
> P.S. Problem shared is problem halfed :-)

Yes, but It's treatable, and I'm actually is getting better with every
mail I compose ;-)

Jan Minar                          Please don't CC me, I'm subscribed.

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