On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 02:23:04PM -0500, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
> Without any sort of warning as the user, I can no longer use aliases, nor
> the normal bash commands on th xfce4-terminal. Root is still working without
> problems.

Show us.  Paste a SESSION from your TERMINAL into the email so we can see

Then show us some evidence that the alias is actually defined.  Ideally
you would run the "alias" command, which prints all of your aliases.
THE COMMAND YOU RAN, AND ITS OUTPUT into an email so we can see it.

You could also verify which shell you are using, by running "ps -p $$".
Then paste that shell prompt, and the command that you ran, and its
output, into an email so we can see it.

You could examine your shell's dot files.  Assuming your shell is bash,
the relevant one is .bashrc.  So you could run "ls -ld ~/.bashrc" and
paste your shell prompt, that command, and its output, into an email so
that we can see it.

Of course, .bashrc is only read when you open a terminal which runs a
non-login shell in the normal and expected manner.  If you've configured
your terminal so that it runs a login shell instead of a regular shell,
then you would also have to make sure you're dotting in (or sourcing)
the .bashrc file from your shell's login profile.

So, for that reason, it would be useful to know the exact command that
your terminal is running.  "ps -fp $$" should give that, assuming you
run it in the top-level shell launched by your terminal, not in some
kind of subshell or script.  Paste the shell prompt, the command, and
its output.

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