On Du, 30 ian 22, 11:02:34, Pankaj Jangid wrote:
> Jude DaShiell <jdash...@panix.com> writes:
> > alsactl --init
> > may help.
> > However alsa makes .lock files in /var/lock/alsa and you may find it
> > helpful to delete the lock file first then once card is set run alsactl
> > store.  Those lock files sometimes prevent alsa from doing a proper
> > detection and change.
> >
> Thanks Jude, for the reply.
> On my installation there is no ‘--init’ option. But it has ‘init’
> command. I just tried that ‘alsactl init’. And there is no
> ‘/var/lock/alsa’ directory. But there is
> ‘/var/lock/asound.state.lock’. I removed this and tried with ‘alsactl
> init’ again. But no positive results in both cases.
> During the boot process, the system detects everything. So there must be
> something in the init sequence that I can trigger manually.

You can try to unload and reload the corresponding kernel module. Check 
the output of

    lsmod | grep snd

(it's probably snd-usb-audio)

If it works it might be possible to add the module to some list so that 
it is removed on suspend and loaded on resume.

Kind regards,

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