On 2022-01-28 16:53, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

Wherever possible, it's easier if you are using Debian stable: more people
will hae experience / be running that at any one time.

All the very best, as ever,

Andy Cater

I know. But testing is more convenient for me. I need to test current software for the courseware I write. Stable is perfectly fine, but not if you want to trail the leading edge a bit more closely. Sid is to close to the edge for me though.

I've been running testing for close to 25 years now. In the early days breakage was a recurring thing, but nowadays that is quite rare. Up to now I've always been able to solve any trouble. My time as a sysadmin still proves to be useful when I need to do that. ;-)

Grx HdV

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