Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> When this topic came up i googled around for learning about the actual
> conflict.
> This mail by Norbert Preining
> describes his view on his demotion from Debian Developer to Debian
> Maintainer by the  Debian Account Mangers (DAM) initiated by the
> Anti Harassment team (AH, now Community team).
> His mail quotes some of their mails. The follow-ups contain replies by
> the other side of this conflict.
> I think the further deterioration of his relation with Debian stems from
> there, but i did not explore 900 matches of
> Have a nice day :)

  excellent reply and pretty much my own feelings on the matter
too.  :)

  if people want to keep trolling on the matter it's all fine with
me but it doubtful it will shed any more light in relation to how
much heat it will give off for not much gain.


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