On 1/20/22, Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> wrote:
> c. marlow wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, I know that in previous emails I was using LXDE, but I thought that I
>> would nuke and pave give TDE a try since I had never tried TDE  before.
>> And I am wondering what other file managers work with TDE 14 besides
>> Konqueror,  which ain't worth a dang!
> I would expect that every X11 file manager and every terminal
> file manager will work with TDE. There's no need to be
> consistent unless you are very short on RAM and thus need to
> minimize the number of unshared libraries.

I started to type similar in answer to a different thread a couple
days ago. The only drawback about this CHOICE is that sometimes the
desired packages bring in a [boatload] of dependencies that are only
related to the desktop environment most likely to be developing them..
and their interoperability.

Appreciate these threads. I was wanting to install another instance of
Debian. For some dingbat reason, it NEVER occurred to me to pick
something other than XFCE4 on a partition by itself.

As I type that, I do remember having problems with themes and such
features not playing consistently when the same entire /home/user
directory is rbind'ed to all of them. During those times, though, I
had three or four desktop environments all installed on the same
single partition. I'm smelling a lot of symlinking and rbind'ing
necessary to make it work. There was at least one thread about that
quite a while back.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

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