Hello, On Sat, Jan 15, 2022 at 11:28:54AM +0100, Marco Möller wrote: > https://www.preining.info/blog/2022/01/future-of-my-packages-in-debian/ > > I wish that someone could publish some background information, neutral and > respectful and without harming anybody.
If Norbert himself did not elaborate then how would it be possible to publish personal information about him in a "neutral and respectful" manner? Debian has disciplinary procedures like any community and the public are not automatically entitled to all of the details of those. I don't know why you assume you should be. Norbert has obviously been subject to some sort of disciplinary action and as a result says he is winding down his efforts within Debian. If he wanted the general public to know more about that then surely he would have said more. Perhaps you can ask him? Your wish can only be properly fulfilled by Norbert. Maybe you just want someone to collate already-public information about this? Having read Norbert's blogs before over the past few years, I feel sure that looking back through his prior posts regarding Debian would give you some idea as to where the points of contention have existed for him (unless he has deleted them; have not checked). Thanks, Andy -- https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting