gene heskett <> wrote on 02/01/2022 at 23:53:19+0100:

> Greetings All;
> Without any conscious prompting by me, te debian 11.1 netinstall for x86-64 
> systems installed and setup whatever was needed to bring the screen reader 
> to life.
> Any thing related to a braile function that I try to remove wants to kill 
> another 2 or 3 gigs of system with it.
> Quite distracting to a sighted user when that robotic voice, speaking a very 
> broken bandwidth of what might be english, blaring out of ones speakers 20 
> db louder than firefoxes audio can I am sure, find a way to silence this w/o 
> destroying the rest of the system. Removing orca will shut it up, but that 
> leaves brltty spamming the daemon.log complaining about a missing library 
> every 5 seconds.  And that's close to 40 megabytes a week.
> So, how does one shut up this useless to me, screen-reader and kill the log 
> spamming at the same time?
> I think its great that folks have gone to that effort for the sightless, but 
> why is that sort of stuff always made mandatory.
> I'd sure appreciate any help cleaning it out 
> Thanks everybody.

Removing brltty will only lead to the removal of its reverse
dependencies and so on. This stops at:

* brltty-espeak
* brltty-flite
* brltty-speechd
* brltty-x11

None of which you need.

Theoretically, removing brltty and orca takes little with it.

I don't have brltty installed on neither my bullseye nor my unstable



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