On Friday, 31 Dec 2021 at 11:21, didier gaumet wrote:
> It seems to me that Alsa recognizes 3 audio cards (Intel, webcam,
> Nvidia) while Pulseaudio recognizes 2 audio cards only (webcam, Nvidia)

Yes, that's my impression as well.

> but starts enumerating sinks at Sink#12 

Is this important/relevant?  I know nothing about how PA enumerates
sinks or sources.

> I would then say that for whatever reason Pulseaudio does not register
> your Intel audio card by udev detection and it could be useful to
> declare it manually to Pulseaudio by creating
> ~/.config/pulse/default.pa rather than editing /etc/pulse/default.pa .

Okay, I will give this a try.  Thank you.  Should I leave the udev
auto-detection in there as well?

Eric S Fraga with org 9.5.2 in Emacs 29.0.50 on Debian 11.2

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