On 2021-12-13, Rainer Dorsch <m...@bokomoko.de> wrote:
> Hmm..after rereading the user manual, error 79 show up two times, i.e. the > Number+Text seems to be relevant: > > 79 Error > Turn off then on > > The product has experienced an > internal firmware error. > > Turn the product power off, wait > at least 30 seconds, and then turn > the product power on and wait for > it to initialize. > If you are using a surge protector, > remove it. Plug the product > directly into the wall socket. Turn > the product power on. > If the message persists, contact > HP support. > > AND > > 79 Service error > > (and the rest is identical to what you quote) > > > I see the firste one, 79 Error not 79 Service error > > Here is the user guide I downloaded: > > http://bokomoko.de/~rd/UserGuide_c01945700.pdf > > Rainer > > https://support.hp.com/sk-en/document/c02184434 Oops, you're right, there're two errors numbered 79, a service error as well as a plain old "error" error with no service. Why anyone would go to the trouble of numbering errors only to give two discrete errors the selfsame number might be a subject of reflection. Maybe they ran out of numbers. Is that possible in a human lifetime? Of course, the errors where the corresponding numbers have a decimal point followed by maybe not exactly an arbitrary number of Xs (50.X, 54.XX) are equally confounding. Maybe the Xs are placeholders for decimal parts like "50.6" or "54.15," indicating errors too arcane for the hoi polloi and truly understood uniquely by the top-level techs. Anyway, all this merely serves to confirm my feeling that I don't really understand anything (or at least to understand any number of even trivial things requires a study and attention I'm unwilling to provide). Good luck.