On 12/10/21 2:37 PM, mick crane wrote:
please excuse basic lack of understanding.
I try to write some program in Perl I would find useful.
Use of editing is very basic and usually I get by with vi/vim
recently I try to get used to Nano.
In another virtual terminal if copy one file to another or something, the command line words just now got randomly inserted into the file I'm editing in other virtual terminal.
Which is distressing.
I'm hoping it's just fat fingers and I managed to make some macro I didn't know about. What bothers me is that it seems random where the words go and wonder if opening 2 files in Nano share the same buffer or something and it gets mixed up. Is not a problem I saw before.
Any explanation for that ?


Are you using console virtual terminals or are you running a graphical desktop?

I have two computers with Xfce graphical desktops:

2021-12-10 17:06:57 dpchrist@tinkywinky ~
$ cat /etc/debian_version ; uname -a ; dpkg-query -W xfce4 nano
Linux tinkywinky 4.9.0-16-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.272-2 (2021-07-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
nano    2.7.4-1
xfce4   4.12.3

2021-12-10 17:07:02 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ cat /etc/debian_version ; uname -a ; dpkg-query -W xfce4 nano
Linux laalaa 5.10.0-9-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.70-1 (2021-09-30) x86_64 GNU/Linux
nano    5.4-2
xfce4   4.16

Please run the above command on your computer (adjust for desktop, ornone), and post your console session (prompt, command entered, output obtained).

I tested nano(1) on both of the above computers by opening two Xfce Terminal instances, editing 'foo' with nano(1) in one terminal, and editing 'bar' in another terminal. I did not see typing in one nano(1) instance affect the other instance.


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