On Tue, Dec 07, 2021 at 03:54:37PM +0100, Max Nadig wrote:
> Hi,
> I was trying to install Debian 10 via WSL on windows. The problem is, I 
> automatically get v11 Bullseye.
> Is there some way to specify the version or load a custom Debian version with 
> WSL?
> I already posted this question into the WSL Git repo. So far I couldn't find 
> a solution for this.
> https://github.com/microsoft/WSL/issues/7805
> Are there maybe legacy builds of the Debian microsoft store app available? 
> This would probably solve my problem.
> Thank you for the help, best,
> Max

Why do you want Debian 10 specifically? You could try the IRC channel 


on OFTC / see if you can find the maintainer.

In general terms, as soon as a release is put out, it's uploaded by 
rhaist to Microsoft - you want the latest stable to be the one used,

Hope this helps,

Andy C

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