On Wed 17 Nov 2021 at 10:35:20 (-0500), Allen Hoover wrote:
> I use a number of zenity dialogs for showing info or asking questions on 
> this system.  On the Deb 9 system, these dialogs displayed with a 
> reasonable width/height, without explicitly setting either --width or 
> --height options.  However, after upgrading, I noticed the info, 
> warning, and question dialogs display only about 10 text characters per 
> line.  For instance, zenity --info --text "The quick brown fox jumped 
> over the lazy dogs", displays in 5 rows, instead of in 1 row like it 
> used to before upgrading.  The behaviour is the same on a fresh install 
> of 11.
> Was curious if anyone else had issues with this, and if there is a way 
> to change the default behaviour.  Or do I need to go through and add 
> --width and --height options in every instance where zenity is used?

Search for   width   in /usr/share/doc/zenity/changelog.gz and you
will see various entries concerning this (fixes, failed fixes?).
I can't judge whether the solution is there (I hadn't heard of
zenity until today).


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