On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 8:58 AM Kenneth Parker <sea7k...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 8:50 AM Kenneth Parker <sea7k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 12:17 AM Kenneth Parker <sea7k...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 9, 2021 at 2:55 AM Andrei POPESCU <andreimpope...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Sb, 09 oct 21, 01:13:32, Kenneth Parker wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Thank you all for your responses.  Fortunately, somebody else, I
>>>> think on
>>>> > an Ubuntu forum (that I had googled), someone mentioned issues with
>>>> > light-locker.  And that purging it solved the issue.
>>>> >
>>>> > So I tried that, with success!
>>>> >
>>>> > What is the purpose of Light-Locker anyway?
>>>> To lock your screen and keep it that way until the correct password is
>>>> provided.
>>> This situation occurred again, yesterday and today on my OTHER Desktop
>>> Computer.  It also has the light-locker package installed.  Fortunately, on
>>> this other system, I found a work-around, which was to turn off the
>>> Monitor, leave it off for a while and turn it back on.  So I am still
>>> testing this.  (In other words, I have not purged light-locker yet).
>>> I wonder if light-locker hits the Monitor in a bad way, when putting it
>>> in Sleep Mode?  I'll get the Source Package and examine it, in addition to
>>> conducting further testing.
>> Just in case any of you are interested in Recreating this, Install
>> Bullseye, with xfce4 as Window Manager.
>> Go to Power Settings. /  Display.
>> For my test, I used 2 minutes on "Blank after", 5 Minutes for "Put to
>> sleep", and 9 minutes for "Switch off".
>> Then, I come back in about 15 minutes.  :-)
>> I get a Flash, with something I might recognize as a Screen.  and then
>> Screen off.  This is that OTHER Desktop, an HP Pavilion Desktop with an LG
>> IPS 22MP56 Monitor.
>> Now, at this point, I *am* going to Purge light-locker on that Machine
>> and let it go to Power Save again.  I am also pondering the Xorg.0.log to
>> see if something obvious stands out.
(Sorry, I hit the wrong button last time).

There is a difference in this HP Pavilion.  I only had "Blank After" and
"Switch off" set.   So the two machines weren't the same.  But now, I am
running the Pavilion without Light-Locker installed.

Okay.  This worked.  It also didn't ask for a Password (which is the
*reason* for light-locker).

Now, I am going back to the HP Elitedesk 705 G1.  I changed its "Put to
sleep" to "Never" (which the Pavilion had).  So I want to see if using only
"Blank after" and "Switch off" on the Elitedesk, if it recreates the
situation.  So more testing.

Meanwhile, I also am examining the Source Code for light-locker.

I will return in a few hours.  Once again, thanks!

Kenneth Parker

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