Thanks for the update. >>From there I found this file for bullseye:>> >>>>which >> contains this stanza which appears to match your description: >>### Description: Typical usage of this partition: >># Please specify how the file system is going to be used, so that>># >>optimal file system parameters can be chosen for that use.>># .>># standard >>= standard parameters,>># news = one inode per 4KB block,>># largefile = >>one inode per megabyte,>># largefile4 = one inode per 4 megabytes.>># d-i >>partman-basicfilesystems/specify_usage select <choice>>># Possible choices: >>${CHOICES}>>>>Which is not what the OP requested, but maybe it helps. It is >>the only>>occurrence of "inode" in that file. I did not check the other two >>files>>that contain the "contrib" and "non-free" data. I tryed to adapt like this with this option: **specify_usage{ }** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1024 1024 2048 ext4 \ lv_name{ var+log } \ method{ lvm } format{ } \ use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext4 } \ mountpoint{ /var/log } \ options/nodev{ nodev } \ options/nosuid{ nosuid } \ options/noexec{ noexec } \ $lvmok{ } \ . \ 1024 1024 2048 ext4 \ lv_name{ var+loga } \ method{ lvm } format{ } \ use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext4 } \ mountpoint{ /var/loga } \ options/nodev{ nodev } \ options/nosuid{ nosuid } \ options/noexec{ noexec } \ specify_usage{ news } \ $lvmok{ } \ . \ 1024 1024 2048 ext4 \ lv_name{ var+logb } \ method{ lvm } format{ } \ use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext4 } \ mountpoint{ /var/logb } \ options/nodev{ nodev } \ options/nosuid{ nosuid } \ options/noexec{ noexec } \ specify_usage{ large } \ $lvmok{ } \ . \ 1024 1024 2048 ext4 \ lv_name{ var+logc } \ method{ lvm } format{ } \ use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext4 } \ mountpoint{ /var/logc } \ options/nodev{ nodev } \ options/nosuid{ nosuid } \ options/noexec{ noexec } \ specify_usage{ large4 } \ $lvmok{ } \ . \ 1024 1024 2048 ext4 \ lv_name{ var+logd } \ method{ lvm } format{ } \ use_filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext4 } \ mountpoint{ /var/logd } \ options/nodev{ nodev } \ options/nosuid{ nosuid } \ options/noexec{ noexec } \ specify_usage{ standard } \ $lvmok{ } \ . \ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But this change nothing after verfication the bytes per inode is 16k in all case. (<bytes-per-inode> = <block count> x <block size> / <inode count>)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- root@debian:~# dumpe2fs /dev/mapper/rootvg-var+log | grep -E "(Block count|Block size|Inode count)" dumpe2fs 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021) Inode count: 62464 Block count: 249856 Block size: 4096 root@debian:~# dumpe2fs /dev/mapper/rootvg-var+loga | grep -E "(Block count|Block size|Inode count)" dumpe2fs 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021) Inode count: 62464 Block count: 249856 Block size: 4096 root@debian:~# dumpe2fs /dev/mapper/rootvg-var+logb | grep -E "(Block count|Block size|Inode count)" dumpe2fs 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021) Inode count: 62464 Block count: 249856 Block size: 4096 root@debian:~# dumpe2fs /dev/mapper/rootvg-var+logc | grep -E "(Block count|Block size|Inode count)" dumpe2fs 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021) Inode count: 62464 Block count: 249856 Block size: 4096 root@debian:~# dumpe2fs /dev/mapper/rootvg-var+logd | grep -E "(Block count|Block size|Inode count)" dumpe2fs 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021) Inode count: 62464 Block count: 249856 Block size: 4096 root@debian:~#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tryed also with -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------d-i partman-basicfilesystems/specify_usage select news ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And ugly workaround will be to update inode_ration into /etc/mke2fs.conf with sed via ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- d-i partman/early_command string \ sed -i 's/inode_ratio = 16384/inode_ratio = 4096/g' /etc/mke2fs.conf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ but it apply to all FS. /etc/mke2fs.con also indicates the values: --------------------.... news = { inode_ratio = 4096 } largefile = { inode_ratio = 1048576 blocksize = -1 } largefile4 = { inode_ratio = 4194304 blocksize = -1 } ..... ---------------------- I'll switch from EXT4 to XFS to not be worried about inodes defined at creation. Unfortunaltely XFS don't take in charge the reduction but only the increase of FS size. Don't be sure possibe to do "thin provisionning" and "thin pool" => Configure Thin Provision LVM with pressed as can be done with kickstarrt into RHEL. Regards, Thierry