On Lu, 18 oct 21, 12:29:55, Peter Hoist wrote:
> Hi,
> I am enjoying Debian's testing branch as a reasonably stable and up-to-date
> 'rolling' release, and I have to say it satisfies all my desires, almost.
> The one thing that bothers me is that every two years, the unstable/testing
> branches are frozen to certain extent because of the stable releases. This
> means the testing branch can be quite lagged behind upstream releases. One
> example is gcc, with gcc-11 released almost 6 months ago, and it is still
> not default in debian testing - I know it is being worked on right now and
> probably only a couple days away, but still...
> So the question is, why not cut a release branch every two years, and at
> the same time keep the unstable/testing alive? Is it because debian
> developers think it's too much work to reconcile the differences later, so
> they prefer freezing?
> Some ppl recommend arch for this reason, but I am already familiar with
> apt's way of things, and would hold off switching before I have a better
> understanding of the bigger picture.
> I am certainly not qualified to make recommendations here, just wondering
> what is the reason behind it and if there is some proposal to make testing
> a better/closer 'rolling' release that ppl like me can enjoy better:)


Kind regards,

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