On Sat 16 Oct 2021 at 10:12:34 -0500, David Wright wrote:

[Lots of snipping]

> If you want to see a blow-by-blow example of the partitioner, you
> could revisit this post from a while back. IIRC the thread exercises
> most of the wrinkles that could occur if the user interface is
> misunderstood.
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2015/02/msg00153.html
> It's difficult to envisage a time when each and every d-i screen would
> be documented at this sort of level. I've no idea what the "limits" are
> of which you speak.

The Installer Guide dots many i's and crosses many t's. However,
you yourself have  sent many fine text screeshots of the installer
in action to -user.(I have never found out how they were produced).

One picture is worth..., etc. I wonder whether the Guide would
benefit from an appendix showing something similar.


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