On 10/11/21 5:59 AM, local10 wrote:
Am considering upgrading from buster to bullseye and looking for some feedback
from those who have already done so. Was it worth it, in your opinion? Anything
you like in particular about bullseye? Any problems/issues or degradation of
performance/functionality/features, especially related to the KDE and its apps?
I am not a KDE user, all of my machines run Mate, so this is a bit off topic
Bullseye is great for me in almost every way.
The newer Mate apps are very nice, but not essential for me and my workflow.
next week I will deploy a "new" HP z820 work station that will be a
significant part of my LAN and private cloud. I don't know what GPU it
has yet, but it is Old Tech, 2012 vintage.
I am sure it will run on Bullseye just fine but...
However one of my favorite apps
(http://alarm-clock.pseudoberries.com/#intro) will not work.
this .deb works on Buster. but not Bullseye
so, for me, I believe I will go for Buster for a while.
Personal choice. A test install is advised.
I'm asking this because something upgrading just isn't worth it, it's better
perhaps to wait for the next release, like for example when KDE 3.5 was
replaced with the initial KDE 4.x, that upgrade created so many problems (for
me) while adding very little in terms of benefits.