On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 01:18:55PM +0200, Josef Strýček wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question how to partition new debain installation.I have 64GB ssd
> and 500GB hdd. Can I have / on ssd with ext4 and hdd with btrfs /hame /var 
> /tmp /opt. Could you recommend layout for ssd and hdd, that ssd is not
> overwritten unnecessarily and ideal filesystem for ssd and hdd.
> Thank you in advance
> Josef Strýček

Hi Josef,

I'd suggest you boot with the installer and use expert mode which will
allow you more control over partitioning.

Take the ssd and use guided partitioning - put everything in one partition.
That will set up the appropriate partitions for booting, for /  and add a swap
partition at the end of 1G size.

Partition the 500G hdd however you wish - add a partition for /var and /tmp.
What sort of thing are you planning for /opt - it's not often used in Debian
but only for third party packages.

Nothing is written on the filesystems until you finish the partitioning 
on each disk.

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

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