On Du, 10 oct 21, 17:19:52, Tim Woodall wrote:
> Thanks both! It's now working. And, indeed, my manpage does have it the
> way you suggest. I'd initially found the documentation via a web search
> and not twigged that the manpage and the documenatation here were
> different:
> https://linux.die.net/man/8/ip6tables

If you prefer reading manpages on the web you might want to use
https://manpages.debian.org. That way you are looking at the manpage 
corresponding to your specific software and version[1].

It can be also be added as an alternative search engine to most common 

[1] Debian Developers patch manpages too occasionally, to document 
Debian specific changes, e.g. see the explanations for the -X and -Y 
switches in ssh(1).

Kind regards,

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