On Fri, Dec 26, 2003, at 14:21 -0300, Hugo S. Carrer wrote: 

> Hi list,
> I'm looking for a usb pendrive - keychain,(or whatever the name is)
> but don't know jack about'em. Of course I want to buy the most
> Linux-Debian friendly one I can afford. I've been browsing through
> linux-usb.org but not much luck with actual brand-names. So pointers
> and links to some Doc is welcome.

The Linux kernel has excellent support for USB mass storage devices.
IIRC, all of these standard USB 'pendrives' should work.

I, myself, recently got a Lexar Media JumpDrive from someone for the
holidays. I haven't actually tested it out yet on Debian, but it should
just be able to mount as a USB mass stoarge device and be written to
like any normal block device (i.e., like a hard disk.)

Make sure you add the USB mass stoarage device support and any other USB
support to your kernel.

scott c. linnenbringer    |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.panix.com/~sl  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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