On Fri, 17 Sep 2021 16:41:45 -0600
Charles Curley <charlescur...@charlescurley.com> wrote:

> I have an HP Officejet Pro L7700, which is starting to show its age.
> Also HP has discontinued the standard size cartridges. I can get the
> large ones. I suspect I could buy a printer for what four large
> cartridges would cost me.

Well, that last sentence turned out to be close. While in the Big
City I went by the local Staples, and bought an HP LaserJet MFP
M232-M237 - IPP Everywhere printer/scanner for under $250.

It took a bit of finagling to get me started, but that turned out to be
a problem with my isc-dhcpd DHCP server. Also, setting the thing up
requires HP's HP Smart app. I happen to have an iPhone, so I could use
it. A pure Linux shop would be SOL.

It also took about 38 minutes on the phone with HP's support line. Sigh.

Once I had the printer talking to the phone, things moved quickly.

The only thing this printer doesn't have is color printing. Apparently
color printers are rare right now. But I have a local print shop to whom
I can email PDFs, and that works nicely. And the price delta will more
than pay for the print shop.

I did have one software issue. Debian 10 (Buster) has HPLIP
3.18.12+dfsg0-2, which does not appear to support the beast. However,
Debian 11 (Bullseye) xsane (3.21.2+dfsg1-2) found it across the network
with no quibbles, and I was able to scan immediately with no setup.
Very nice.

Thank you for all the advice.

Does anybody read signatures any more?


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