On Sb, 02 oct 21, 19:56:02, Default User wrote:
> And . . .  I make a special point of excluding:
> /media
> /media/*
> /mnt
> /mnt/*
> Why?
> Because long ago, when I was just learning to use rsync, I tried to
> use it to do a full-system backup.  Since nobody told me that /mnt and
> /media had to be specifically excluded, rsync did exactly what it was
> told to do, recursively backing up everything, filling up an entire
> 1Tb hard drive, stopping only when it ran out of room!
> I do not ever want that to happen again.
> Fun fact:
> I can use the same exclude list to mirror the same user stuff to a
> different backup directory, with obsessive frequency, using rsync:
> sudo rsync -avHx --delete --stats --exclude-from
> "/home/debian-user/rsync_exclude_list.txt" /home
> /media/debian-user/backup_drive/backups_of_host_home_directory_only

In case of system backups the top-level directories themselves should 
probably be included because they are needed as mount points. rsync's -x 
parameter should already take care of excluding the (special) mounts 
*under* /mnt, /media, /dev, /sys, /run etc.

Hope this helps,

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