On 10/1/21, to...@tuxteam.de <to...@tuxteam.de> wrote:
> I take two lessons out of it:
> (1) quality of those things scatters widely. Do take Marco's
> advise seriously and have always a Plan B. In my case, it's
> Just A Backup (TM), so I make it so my main disk doesnt
> fail until I find a replacement stick ;-@

Left that in because it has applied to all the hardware I've ever
bought. Ages ago, I mused on here that every critical hardware aspect
of computing needs *at least one* backup sitting in a drawer nearby.
At the time, it was probably about something like those ethernet to
USB adapters. It might have been about external dialup modems, too.

> (2) I have the hunch that the name on the shell bears little
> relation to the guts inside. The latter are whatever the vendor
> putting its name on the outside can scavenge cheaply off the
> market at some point in time. So trading brand names might
> be possibly misleading ;-)

Am only typing because I just experienced this with keyboards. Six or
eight keyboards were stuffed under my nose in a vendor's email last
night. All looked exactly the same, just had different seller logos on
a nameplate sitting right above the arrow keys.

Last night the prices were within a couple dollars of each other (plus
the same outrageous shipping). In the past, the prices have sometimes
been $20 apart for what is obviously the exact same item. :)

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed *

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