On Wed 29 Sep 2021 at 15:39:38 (+0200), Stella Ashburne wrote:
> I refer to the sub-section "Select DNS manager" 
> (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Iwd), in which the statement reads as 
> follows:
> At the moment, iwd supports two DNS managers - systemd-resolved and resolvconf
> Question: Which of the above two manages my DNS queries in a default Debian 
> with lxqt-core and lightdm?
> In /etc/network/interfaces, my dns-servers are
> [How do I manage to add only these two IP addresses? During installation of 
> Debian 11, I unplugged the LAN cable from my machine. I installed the OS 
> without any internet connection and thus avoided auto configuration of the 
> network.]
> I also installed the package resolvconf because I need to use it with openvpn.

My usual strategy is to let the Debian installer set the dns server to
IP address of the router, and configure the router to query
It's not ideal if you have a router that doesn't "belong" to you,
ie that you can't configure yourself.

Resolvconf squirrels that original address away in
/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original so that it can revert to it
after you have left other networks/VPNs etc. So I guess that, at
worst, you can just write in whatever you want into that file.
Check it is still there after the next boot, and also check
/etc/resolv.conf (which is a symlink) to make sure that it used it ok.


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