On Sunday 26 September 2021 01:59:05 pm Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> Follow the clues form the blog below:
> https://economictheoryblog.com/2015/11/08/how-to-enable-gui-root-login-in-debian-8/
> Edit /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf and add 
> AllowRoot=true under [security]
> Then edit /etc/pam.d/gdm-password and comment out (with a #) the line
> auth required pam_succeed_if.so.user != root quiet_success
That stuff is already done on this system.  I looked over that post and several 
related ones,  and it's apparent to me that the steps required are different 
from one version to another.  Given that,  I'm beginning to think that a 
textmode login might be my best choice,  followed by startx,  to simplify 

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ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
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