On 9/24/2021 9:19 AM, Andy Smith wrote:
On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 07:45:03AM -0400, Chuck Zmudzinski wrote:
I was accused in public of wrongdoing on the Debian bug tracking
That is an interesting point of view, but I think you were simply
accused of being factually wrong and creating a poor quality bug
report. It was your choice to take that extremely personally.

how can I try and work out a disagreement with someone in private
emails instead of needing to expose the dispute in public with all
the negativity, slander, and defamation that might entail?
You were not asked to continue a disagreement in public, you were
asked to provide several pieces of factual information about your
setup and experience so that you could be helped.

My advice is to do that and only that. I see that you already
started doing it, but you still could not resist surrounding that
with large amounts of extraneous emotive text. And now it's leaked
onto debian-user.

Just write facts in the bug report that are relevant to the bug and
not he-said she-said he did this to me, they lied about this. blah
blah. If you can't, then just stop, as you already suggested you

I am willing to cooperate with anyone to help improve Debian
software, but only if they agree to not accuse me in public of
wrongdoing without first discussing the matter with me in a
private email or other private forum.
You may be surprised to find that you get no takers for your "allow
me to rant in your ear but you must never disagree with me"
collaboration style.

I am not interested in suing Debian for what happened to me, but I
would not be surprised if in the U.S. eventually Debian will get
sued unless it scrubs its website of some of the comments people
make about each other on Debian public forums.
Debian doesn't exist as a US entity, so good luck with that. Even
writing about theoretically suing Debian because you can't write a
coherent bug report makes you look like the worst kind of Internet
laughing stock.

I followed the bug you reported and thought that Diederik's response
to you was exactly on the mark. I also was in the IRC channel where
Diederik spent considerable time asking other developers questions
just so that Diederik could help solve your bug report. I feel very
sorry for Diederik that this effort was spent only to get this sort
of tantrum from you.

That you interpreted Diederik's advice as an attack I think says
more about you than anything else and I recommend that you stop this
overreaction now before you leave even more of a damning impression
of yourself.

After seeing what you have put Diederik through I would have
absolutely no desire to spend effort helping you on a future problem
and I think that is likely to be the view of others also. This
behaviour is not helping your cause.

I have no "cause" I am pursuing. I submitting the bug
report to help make Debian better. It does not reflect
well on the Debian community if this is the way it
treats someone who tries to help.

All the best,


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