On Wed, Sep 22, 2021, 9:13 PM Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
> .... > There is something wrong with this picture. 14 years was considered as > the author having milked his writings for 99% of all they would ever > generate in income. IMNSHO it (the original version) is still a good > idea. Stealing an individuals creativity, and his rewards for being > creative by awarding the copyright to a corporation, is theft pure and > simple, Centuries ago a philosopher wrote: Behind every great fortune lies an equally great crime. In America too I'm afraid. and should become somebody lined up against the wall for 3rd > offence grand larceny. But today, we'ed need Trumps incompleted wall to > maybe have enough wall. > No there aren't that many millionaires and billionaires and.... They make sure of it. Cheers, Gene Heskett > -- >